KILCHZIMMER @ His time... - Reisverslagen van Jobina Quartel - KILCHZIMMER @ His time... - Reisverslagen van Jobina Quartel -

KILCHZIMMER @ His time...

Recente Reisverslagen:

12 Maart 2013

03 Mei 2012


30 April 2012


17 April 2012


06 April 2012

Goede Vrijdag/Good Friday

Hello people, this is a blog from a simple pilgrim working in Switzerland with a mission organisation. Simple stands for a way of living i want to strive for, so it's especially a reminder for myself ;). Pilgrim stands for a person on its way to a holy place. I'm a sinner saved by grace, a christian, a believer in God the Father, the Son (=Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. The holy place i'm travelling to is at first heaven, but eventually heaven on earth ;). I believe the Holy Bible was inspired by God and is there for the Word of God. I believe one day Jesus Christ will return to this earth, He will make all things new and His people will finally be able to give Him perfect praise and honor for all eternity. Until that day, i will serve my God here on this earth through this life's journey...

Actief sinds 12 Okt. 2006
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 138193

Voorgaande reizen:

01 Juli 2010 - 30 November -0001

KILCHZIMMER @ His time...

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